
by PT Adi Wibowo Corpora


7.49 usd

Shipment+ presents Receipt Check Service & Postage Check / Postage which covers the entire Indonesian Territory in detail up to the District of Origin and Delivery Destination.Posts+ is here to answer the desire of many users on the Posts service to bring a special version of Ad-Free which is more Exclusive and Professional.Every Postage Check History that you do, will be stored in your account to make it easier to check the same postage in the future.You can also save the Receipt you are currently Tracking. Shipments+ also features a saved receipt list search feature to accommodate if you manage multiple receipts at once in the application.Posts+ delivers an easy-to-use interface with Light Mode and Dark Mode support.Couriers / Expeditions available for Check Postage include:* Nugraha Ekakurir Line (JNE)* Citra Van Titipan Kilat (TIKI)* POS Indonesia (POS)* Lion Parcel (LION)* Ninja Xpress (NINJA)* ID Express (IDE)* SiCepat Express (SICEPAT)* SAP Express (SAP)* Nusantara Card Semesta (NCS)* AnterAja (ANTERAJA)* Royal Express Indonesia (REX)* Central Cargo (CENTRAL)* Logistics Achievement Vehicle (WAHANA)* J&T Express (J&T)* JET Express (JET)* 21 Express (DSE)* First Logistics (FIRST)* IDL Cargo (IDL)* RPX Holding (RPX)* Pandu Logistics (PANDU)* Pahala Kencana Express (PAHALA)* Express Solutions (SLIS)* Star Cargo (STAR)Couriers / Expeditions available for Check Receipts include:* Nugraha Ekakurir Line (JNE)* Citra Van Titipan Kilat (TIKI)* POS Indonesia (POS)* Lion Parcel (LION)* Ninja Xpress (NINJA)* ID Express (IDE)* SiCepat Express (SICEPAT)* SAP Express (SAP)* Nusantara Card Semesta (NCS)* AnterAja (ANTERAJA)* Royal Express Indonesia (REX)* Central Cargo (CENTRAL)* Logistics Achievement Vehicle (WAHANA)* J&T Express (J&T)* JET Express (JET)* 21 Express (DSE)* First Logistics (FIRST)* IDL Cargo (IDL)* RPX Holding (RPX)